Carrie Fisher, Gabriel Gornell, and George Lucas immediately after ‘Star Wars: The Clone Wars’ won the Emmy for ‘Outstanding Special Class Animated Program’

Our personal mission: To create goose-bump moments.

We are passionate about creating exciting and impactful programming, live experiences, and short-form content for our partners – delivering ‘end-to-end’ programs from development through distribution.

Tbh… though our portfolio is organized by traditional content and live experiences, we’re most excited when these two media categories are intertwined as part of a 360° campaign. Best is when all the touch-points are fighting for the same thing! A great example of this is our 360° Amy Winehouse Mental Health Awareness Campaign – for which we can share a short animated case study.

For Case Studies (like Amy Winehouse), Showreels, References, or for the opportunity to pitch your next project… just reach out directly: GabrielGornell@LocoDistro.com