Saw her in the news this week, and decided to share. I just always liked this candid performance pic of Elle King that I snapped in Nashville.

Saw her in the news this week, and decided to share. I just always liked this candid performance pic of Elle King that I snapped in Nashville.
Love this guy. Snapped on the beaches on Coney Island, Brooklyn.
Just another afternoon with Perry and Etty Farrell in Nashville.
Okay Molly, now run and jump on 3.
Snapped this one of Perry Farrell while performing at a benefit honoring the great Johnny Cash.
Somehow from another era. And this one.
I always loved this double exposure pic of Matt from Cage The Elephant.
How to photograph Scout without photographing Scout.
Post no bills? Not sure I could if I wanted to.
And now he’s a jazz man.
Amazing that everyone in the family still says yes to these crazy family holiday pics.
These pics helped sell a lot of tee-shirts with lips and tongues. $250 Million worth.
Just found all these pics from Texas days. This is why our kids sometimes don’t speak to me. “Just stand by the giant wall of hay. It’ll be fine” I said.
This was the night of Etty’s birthday – Off camera Taylor Hawkins was on drums and Tom Morello can be seen singing back up vox in the bottom-left pic.
That moment… pulling focus through the bubble.
Shot this one way back in the day. Still one of my favorite hard rock bands. Named for the NYC bar you may remember getting into trouble at. What’s up, Steve? Miss ya, brother.
This. Every. Single. Night.
Always something to look at from the piers at Venice Beach.